



FlowBuild Pro

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FlowBuild Pro

FlowBuild Pro is our self-consolidating concrete that provides solutions and opportunities for design.

It helps reduce effort on site during concrete placement, accelerates the concrete placement process, eliminates the need for vibration, provides high surface quality, and results in high quality fill for vertical components. With its high slump, the concrete effortlessly flows and spreads into intricate formwork, ensuring consistent coverage and reducing the need for excessive manual intervention. This results in significant time savings and increased productivity on-site.

One notable benefit of FlowBuild Pro is the reduction in noise levels during construction activities. As it requires minimal concrete compression, the need for excessive vibration and compaction is minimized, resulting in quieter operations. This noise reduction is particularly valuable in urban areas where construction work often takes place in close proximity to residential or commercial buildings. The ability to continue work through the night, without causing disturbances to nearby residents, can significantly expedite project timelines and improve overall efficiency


MS 523. SF5 category (675 +/- 50 mm flow diameter)

Key Benefits

Reduced effort needed on site during concrete placement, with faster placing process
High quality fill for vertical components
Good surface finishing
No vibration required


Suitable for all buildings and infrastructure applications


Enchanced productivity,Self-consolidating concrete,Facade,Architectural,Decorative

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About Us

YTL Cement is Malaysia’s pioneer and largest building materials group. With a network of cement plants, terminals, ready-mixed concrete batching facilities, drymix operations, and aggregate quarries, YTL Cement is recognised as a partner in nation building. Over its 70-year legacy, the Group has contributed to the construction of residential, commercial, and infrastructural projects throughout Malaysia, including the Petronas Twin Towers, Merdeka 118, SMART Tunnel, and the nation’s iconic airports and bridges.

Extending its presence beyond domestic borders, YTL Cement now has operations in Southeast Asia, meeting the building material needs of neighbouring nations.

Recently, the Group launched its ECO Product Range, providing a diverse selection of low-carbon alternatives to conventional offerings. This eco-friendly range includes ECOCem™, a selection of low-carbon cements; ECOConcrete™, offering concrete with significantly reduced embodied carbon; ECOSand™, a perfect substitute for natural sand; and ECODrymix™, an eco-friendly pre-mix range. This initiative is part of its commitment to support the industry’s transition to sustainable construction.

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